Guest Problems

Guest Problems

Rank Problem Episode Votes + -
1 Social Malware 14 692
2 Airbnb Cleaning Fees 102 688
3 Circumcision Apologists 59 649
4 Waiting Bonus 1 577
5 People Pretending to be Offended by Jokes 95 428
6 Bread Tacos 31 403
7 Vito's Twitter Account 23 397
8 Uninformed Voters 76 379
9 e-Whores 72 355
10 Amber Heard Supporters 44 354
11 Elon Musk 67 344
12 Voice Actors Recording at Home 100 343
13 Adam Sessler 73 336
14 The Female Dating Strategy Podcast 68 316
15 Suicide Baiting 120 309
16 People Who Don't Get Out of the Way 160 303
17 Stan Culture 119 300
18 The UK Government 106 294
19 Too Many Licenses 46 293
20 Self-Aggrandizing Memorial Tributes 41 281
21 Compulsive Liars 117 268
22 Kink Personalities 79 254
23 Clingy Co-Workers Bonus 1 224
24 Venue Cancellation 63 221
25 Women in Star Wars 89 210
26 Keemstar's Thin Skin 135 208
27 Ghost Texts 102 190
28 Someone Else Shitting in Your Hotel Room 106 189
29 Guys Knocking on the Bathroom Door 160 175
30 Slavic Men Treating the Gym Like A Turkish Bath 113 169
31 People Who Stand Up Right When the Airplane Lands 102 166
32 YouTube Audiences Bonus 1 156
33 Pity Party Poopers 49 143
34 Celebrity Bands 55 135
35 Bright Lights in Prison Bonus 26 117
36 TV Episodes Without the Main Character 151 117
37 Shotgun Sharts Bonus 1 115
38 Airplane Seats 95 111
39 Crypto Karens 146 105
40 Your Friends Making You Look Bad 176 79
41 Friends and Family Discounts 135 59
42 Vtubers 145 55
43 Social Media Disinformation 115 -4
44 Politeness Words 23 -4
45 Jersey Burning 63 -34
46 Bad Hecklers 151 -37
47 Occupational Stereotypes 50 -55
48 AI Psychology Podcasts 75 -79
49 "The Bonus Hole" 106 -103
50 Gamers 100 -109
51 NFT Haters 95 -114
52 No Fat Chicks in Prison Bonus 26 -140
53 Being Afraid to Show Sympathy 102 -177
54 Not Supporting Black Businesses 48 -252
55 Jewish Conspiracies 101 -277
56 Digital Piracy 165 -312
57 Evolution 48 -364
58 The Twins Losing Bonus 8 -367